Friday, September 6, 2019

Weigh on Societal Realities Essay Example for Free

Weigh on Societal Realities Essay The movie V for Vendetta gives its viewers an intimate look into the mind of a very creative and ultimately very patient political â€Å"terrorist. † But the question remains, how far-fetched is an idea like this? Could the United States be on its way to such a revolution and if so, is such a revolution really necessary? After having seen this movie a number of times and taking into consideration the current state of our country, I would have to say the answer is yes on both counts. With the recent rash of corporate bailouts and evidence of our government’s involvement in wire tapping, I feel it would be naive and even a bit irresponsible to think our government incapable of causing such an emotional response to take place. While our own media may not completely be controlled by our government, as seemed so obvious in V for Vendetta, a person cannot tune to a news program these days without knowing almost instantly which political party that station sides with. Our foreign enemies have already done a good job of forcing Americans to question their own loyalties, how long before an individual or group takes a broad step to alter our governmental policy? V realized then what so few of us seem to accept now, that a constitution does not necessarily protect us from a government gone awry. Our own history, especially that most recent, has taught us that with enough money and power you can practically get away with murder. Not only can you hold political office, but apparently your means give you the authority to do with it what you will. Of course while vying for this office you’ll stoop to almost any level, tell the most outrageous lies. For example in V for Vendetta, wasn’t it convenient how a cure for this uncontrollable â€Å"plague† was suddenly discovered soon after Sutler took office? And isn’t convenient how all wars will end and all taxes will be eliminated when said favored politician takes control? But nothing really ever seems to work out for the common man; they only seem to work out for those who have the control and the power. Minimum wage may increase, but so does the price of everything else. Those with means, motive and opportunity need only wave their hand or put their signature to paper and their will be done. The average citizen does not have that luxury. The average citizen has but two things to be concerned with, death and taxes, when isn’t their concern supposed to lie with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness? While it may be true that not everyone has sacrificed freedom and liberty for sanctity of life, there are many that have and this is just the beginning. Everyday people have to give up on their once noble hopes and dreams merely to make ends meet and give Uncle Sam his fair share. While Congress helps itself to more money and the oil companies are reaping record profits, average hard-working Americans are forced to sell their homes and work two jobs. And it is true that America is the land of dreams, but at what price? The so-called dreams that America stands for are now all but unreachable to the large majority. But the hardship for many Americans does not end with the job or housing market, our own ability to choose and decide for ourselves is also in question. Gay marriage, for example is not recognized in most states, and if politicians had their way the concept would be outlawed altogether. This idea is reflected on a larger scale in V for Vendetta when Valerie recounts the hardships of homosexuals in the intolerant society in which she lived. Gay relationships are not only frowned upon in this society, but having been found to be involved in such a relationship is punishable by death. The United States government may not be acting so rashly now, but who’s to say what the reaction will be when a decision about gay marriage is reached on a national level. Part 2: After seeing V for Vendetta, some may view the character V as nothing more than a terrorist out for blood; a criminal no better than the men who crashed airplanes into our beloved landmarks. However, V represented so much more to so many people; he represented change for the better and a fresh start. What V does in this movie is more than justified, it is necessary. Although he may have been forced to murder some seemingly innocent people, his purpose was always clear; he never faltered. V’s life, his entire existence was a product of a corrupt government, and everyone he crossed paths with was directly involved. He had no name, no history and no identity other than â€Å"patient number five. † It is not until he meets Evey that his life becomes about something more. Evey is connected to V in more ways than he could have at first imagined. Her own parents were â€Å"black-bagged† for being political activists and her brother was a patient at the notorious St. Mary’s. V gains respect for Evey almost instantly and begins to fall in love with her within days of keeping her with him. But even his love for Evey does not transform his ultimate desire to transform a corrupt world. He realizes that it is for people like Evey and he that he put these plans into motion to begin with. By the end of the film V has made an impact on everyone, from average citizen to Sutler himself. He convinces people, as he convinced Evey that a change is inevitable but it could not wait any longer. He called upon people to stand with him and recognize the need for change and bear witness to his revolution. V is not a terrorist because his goal was not to harm innocents and bring about hardship, it is quite the opposite. He is indeed a freedom fighter because freedom is precisely what he was fighting for. He wanted to bring about a better life for his nation’s citizens, much like Robin Hood in a way. He was merely putting the power in the hands of those who should’ve had it all along, hoping in the end they’d know how to use it. I suppose V could be viewed as a martyr because he sacrificed himself for a chance at a new and better age, but I don’t believe martyrdom was his intent at all. Nobody knew his name, where he was from or had ever even seen his face. His actions were for the greater good, not for the purpose of having a monument erected in his visage. While violence may not be the answer, an attitude and a desire like that of V’s is exactly what this country needs. And who knows, it very well may be happening now. V had the wherewithal to wait years for his plans to come to fruition, with only the hope in his heart that they would be fulfilled. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to think that such a soul could be living among us, with such courage of conviction and a will to see change? It is just as V declares to Evey, â€Å"there is no certainty, only the opportunity. † References Wachowski, Andy Larry. (Producers). (2006). V for Vendetta[Motion Picture].

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